Collections YTD Report

The Collections YTD Report is a summary of all the work you processed in the Tax Collect system throughout the current fiscal year. It is an accumulative report, which means it starts capturing information at the beginning of the fiscal year and will summarize all the work you processed up to the date you view the report. For example, if you view the report on April 20th, the report will show the activity from 01/01/xxxx to 04/20/xxxx, if you are on a January to December fiscal year (see Fiscal Year). Auditors will use this report to verify the information you have entered into the system. For example, if the Collection YTD report shows that you posted an abatement of $450.00 to the 2019L01 warrant, they will check to see that you have signed abatements matching that figure.  You should verify every amount listed on this report and have backup to prove to these figures.


To view/print the Collections YTD Report choose Reports | Collections YTD. The report will display on the screen and can be printed or exported to a file (see Printing).